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Information Design, Dashboarding & Visual Analytics

BI or DIE – The DataViz Design Process – Talking with Andy Kirk, Visualising Data | EN

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Andy, Viktoria and Kai on using the DataViz Design Process in everyday business practice.

Andy Kirk is an experienced UK-based data visualisation design consultant, trainer, lecturer, author, speaker, and researcher. He is the editor of and host of the ‘Explore Explain’ video and podcast series. Since founding Visualising Data Ltd. in 2010, Andy has worked with a wide range of clients, including Apple, S&P Global, Arsenal FC, Google, EU Council, and Pfizer. He has conducted over 300 public and private training courses in 27 different countries. Andy has previously delivered post-graduate teaching with MICA (USA) and Imperial College (UK), and is now an adjunct lecturer at UCL (UK), teaching a module on the MSc Business Analytics programme. He has authored three books, with the most recent published by Sage in August 2019 and titled ‘Visualising Data: A Handbook for Data Driven Design (2nd edition)’.

Here’s what you can take away from the podcast today:

📈  You understand the DataViz Design Process and how to use it
🧐  Projects and companies that have made a lasting impression on Andy
🚀  How each of you, regardless of hierarchy level, can successfully launch a DataViz initiative
⚒️  Why do we need to talk about tools in addition to method?
💪🏼  What makes a good virtual training?
📊  Where can we get inspiration for new DataViz projects?

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